Saturday, March 02, 2013

                                   March Madness in the Gardens

I believe I speak for many of us gardeners when I say....bring on the warm weather already ...please ))) She pleads while watching from the office window, the huge , beautiful, snowflakes falling from the sky !

Sage Hill has a lot of new projects to share once spring arrives and construction can take hold.

Beds and plots are all in tip top condition and ready to plant.

We are also growing some things in the greenhouse this year that are new to our growing list, follow along and see our success...or not !

Lemongrass and ginger are two of the newbies. Going to be an interesting summer. :)

Some reconstruction happening on the SH website, still much to be added and changed.
A new blog for your pleasure and need to know things.  ' good things .' :)

I found this article to be very good reading, most of it we all know, but kinda updates all that knowledge and puts it into better focus.

Ok, while waiting for spring I'm headed out to wander in the snow :)

Enjoy, whatever is happening in your world today~

Bea Rigsby-Kunz
Culinary Herbalist/teacher/speaker