Monday, September 11, 2006

A Day Of Remberance. 9/11/2006

Today was one of many different feelings for me.
I prayed early in the morning for all the people who were in the towers, the ones who escaped and the ones who did not. I prayed for strength to spend my day doing what would put something useful back into the universe. So it seemed rather natural when I found myself in the gardens digging in the dirt. I feel very close to my maker when I'm there on any given was very special.

The air was warm, but not too hot, a slight breeze to temper the sun. There were no bugs flying around at all, I felt like an artist with a brand new I went to work.

I cleaned the thyme beds, cut the plants back to the ground level so they will be nice and strong by the beginning of winter.

I worked on some new beds for the spring and cut and dried lemon balm and lavender for tea blends.
I hauled compost and treated all the beds to a good feeding of fish emulsion.

I didn't watch TV today, not because I wasn't interested but because I felt moved to be outside "doing" something with my hands, something I could look at and see results when the day ended.

My thoughts ran a marathon during the course of the day....flash-backs to 2001, a friend who escaped the towers just minutes before it collapsed, why this thing happened-always the why...never an answer.

I ended the day with a loving tribute to my mother and father who gave me life, a life I am so grateful for.

May God have mercy on our world.

Bea Kunz

1 comment:

Skin Care Girl said...

Dr. Bea,
What a beautiful way you spent your day in honor of 9/11.
You are a blessing to me!
Love you,