Friday, April 19, 2013

Celebrate A New Beginning~

Spring is really all about new beginning's, rebirth, and improving on, or refurbishing that which you may have started at an earlier time.

Walk through your garden, the park, or the woods, everywhere you look , new life is awakening.

Lambs, calves, and baby chicks are born in the spring. All these beautiful happenings tend to confirm...Mother Nature really does know what she is doing ~
I choose this spring to re-confirm my desire to be healthier and less caught up in stressful events of which I have no control....I will revel in the colors, aroma's, and spirit of spring.

I will remember to be ever so grateful for where I am rooted, my beautiful friend's, awesome family, and My Gardens !
Little flights of fancy are essential to the contentment of the soul...make room for imagination and small pleasures created for the moment and simply for fun.
I will aim to simplify my food choices and eat with honor and respect for my body.
I will feed my mind with exciting books and conversation.
I will feed my spirit with the Word Of God, from whence all good things begin.

Come join me in the Rites of spring~

Bea Rigsby-Kunz
Happy Spring~Happy Gardening :)

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