Sunday, November 13, 2005

November Is For Reflecting.

November Is For Reflecting.........

Most of the year this tree is a lovely shade of green and filled with birds and makes a lovely little shade over the side yard.

Come November it turns to daring shades of red, yellow and orange. It greets me each time I look out my office window from the upstairs of my home.

Every time I look at it I'm taken back to some point of the past many events that changed life for so many of my family and friends...and for me.

I'm so very thankful for this lovely tree that gives me hours of pleasure during the year. The green, green, spring when it's so lush and full you can't see the center.
Hot blazing summer when it's filled with Cardinal's and wren's looking for a cool place to build a home.
Shocking, colorful fall, when it's changing from day to day. Then of course the stark cold winter when it's bare and the limbs are heavy with snow and ice.

I think it has to be a very wise old tree.......It's helped me to accept changes during this last year.

Another reflection is from my gardens........well, actually from my compost pile.
This beautiful, perfect, white pumpkin grew from a seed that was tossed into the compost last year. At first I thought it was a squash, then a wild gourd, then a mellon of some sort...proof of what good things will grow from our trash. Not only one, but three of these beauties graced the compost the latter part of the summer.

Oh, and let me not forget to share this lovely little clump of California Poppy's, they just keep smiling for me every day.

This is my favorite season for so many reasons, but mostly because it just confirms and validates the collection of event's through-out the year.

Embrace your November and spend time reflecting.......It will make you smile, even through your tears.

Be Well,
See you in December.

Bea Kunz/Sage Hill Farms

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