Friday, November 02, 2007

The Pilgrims and The Mayflower=Thanksgiving ?

History...something to be grateful for, in awe of, and aware of the fact that it is often steeped in myth and legend.

Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that most people do not have a true and complete understanding of how it happened, or should we say how it did not happen.

Thanksgiving as we celebrate it did not materialize until 1863, when Abraham Lincoln made it a national holiday .Franklin D. Roosevelt set the 4th Thursday as the official day and Congress approved it in 1941.The Pilgrims did not celebrate Thanksgiving in the manner that is taught in classrooms and has become the accepted standard fact.

A very dedicated and knowledgable man by the name of Caleb Johnson has spent years on research and documentation and has the most accurate information of this historical time that I have ever found.
Over the next two weeks I will share other November news, but for now, I would like to invite you to follow this link and become familiar with our Mayflower history, the ship, the crew, the passengers, and the aftermath of the landing.

It is a wonderful piece of history that we should all know more about and commit to passing on the real story to our children and grandchildren.

November Blessings to you!Bea Kunz/Sage Hill Farms

by BeaK.
9:45:00 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just want to let you know I nominated you for the Award Winning attitude award. You can see the blog post at

Have a fantastic day,
