Thursday, September 11, 2008

Colors Of September~

September is the beginning of my favorite seasons, autumn and winter.

I love colors of autumn, the rusty reds, bright oranges, deep and luscious yellows.
They all serve to remind me of comfort.

My old and comfortable quilt that has warmed 3 generations.
My mud boots that boast lady bugs in red and yellow.
My crazy hat that was once bright red and has faded to a really nice hue of orange.

The leaves on the trees that are turning golden shades of many colors.
Cornstalks that are dried to a sandy shade of brown, they will be beautiful mixed with a variety of marigolds, mums and asters.

And the shades of sage are too beautiful to describe.
From deep purple to many shades of green and yellows.

The sunflowers have given way to heavy seed heads and the birds are feasting from morning until night.

Even the birds are autumn colored...the Cardinal with their shades of blazing red and muted browns. The creamy yellow Finch with the little black bands make a striking combination at the feeders.

It was comforting to have so much beautiful color around me today, just thought I would share with my friends.

A website and book to share this guy and all he does.

Visit and say hello from Sage Hill Farms.

Be blessed~

Bea Kunz
Sage Hill Farms

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just discovered the WE magazine list of "101 Bloggers to Watch" today & Heidi said to tell you she sent me. I'm totally fascinated with your blog. I have a business blog at that Heidi posted, but I think my personal blog that has several recent posts about my family history in Alabama might ring some bells with you. No doubt we would have lots to talk about!