Monday, September 17, 2012

Herbs Past & Present~~( Origins of Western Herbalism )

Hippocrates may be known today as the father of medicine, but for

centuries medieval Europe followed the teachings of Galen, a 2nd-century physician, who wrote extensively about the body's four " humors"--blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile-and classified herbs by their essential qualities as hot or cold, dry or damp.

These theories were later expanded on by 7th century Arab physicians, and were still being used well into the 18th century.

( Ancient Civilization )

Herbs In Papyri----Surviving Egyptian papyri as far back as 1700 B.C. record that many common herbs such as Garlic and Juniper have been used medicinally for about 4,000 years.

Hemp was used for eye problems just as it is prescribed today for glaucoma, and poppy extracts were used to quite crying children.

( The Greek Model )

Early Greeks saw the world as composed of four elements---earth, air, fire, and water.
These elements were related to the seasons, to four fundamental qualities, to four bodily fluids or humors, and to four temperaments. In almost all individuals , one humor was thought to dominate, affecting both personality and the likely health problems that could be suffered.

Today we see personalities classified as Type A or Type B...and traits attached to each that will dictate how each personality tends to act and/or react to their turn, causing or allowing actions and changes in bodily functions.

( Roman Remedies )

The Greek theories of medicine reached Rome about 100 B.C. As time passed they became more and more mechanistic, presenting a view of the body as a machine to be actively repaired, rather than following the Hippocrate dictum of allowing most disease to cure themselves.

Medicine became a lucrative business with complex, highly priced herbal remedies.

So, it seems modern day wars inside the medical train of thought really isn't anything new.

Bea Rigsby-Kunz

Disclaimer....Any and all herbal articles from and by Sage Hill is offered totally as educational information only. We do not intend this information to be viewed as medicinal advice for any given treatment.
Sage Hill does not sell Medicinal products nor do we give Medicinal advice.


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