Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thought you all might enjoy the article I wrote for National Kitchen Garden Day which was on August we have National Herb Day tomorrow...August 28th...

The International Herb Society chose Sweet Bay laurel ( Laurus nobilis ) as herb of the year.

Bay is a beautiful tree that can grow rather large if grown in the ground.

Most often it will not withstand the winter in most places and will die if left outside...mine is now 2 years old and so far so good...I also have a few in pots just in case. The potted ones I bring into the basement during the winter, place them near a sunny window and they are happy.

Bay is used in culinary applications such as stews, soups, dried beans, boiled corn, and adds a bit of difference to a pot of chili.

Dried bay is much more flavorful than fresh, the full flavor potential doesn't come through until it is dried.

Tomorrow I will be making vegetable stew from mostly root crops, flavored with bay and in a thicker sauce than soup.

Just combine some turnips, carrots, onions, garlic, and any other root crop you may have...except...beets...doesn't work in this recipe. Add a couple of bay leaf and simmer in water and chicken broth until veggies are just beginning to soften...depending on taste. I like mine a bit crunchy. Add a small amount of white cornmeal to thicken the base towards the end of cooking time.

Season with a bit of sea salt, fresh ground black peppercorns and serve hot.


Bea Kunz
Sage Hill Farms~EatWell-BeWell~

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