Friday, November 14, 2008

Indian Pudding and Thanksgiving~

The Holland Tunnel under the Hudson River opened to the public, connecting New York City and New Jersey. (1927)

The minimum draft age was lowered from 21 to 18 (1942)

Today...November 13 is National "Indian Pudding" Day also.

Since Thanksgiving is just a few days away, this is a perfect time to have this dish.

Many people make Indian pudding as a corn based dish.

My grandmother did and she was of Indian heritage.

I only eat white corn since all the yellow corn is now a GM crop.

This is a recipe from grandmother made Indian Pudding with corn as a base.

I'm working on a perfected recipe, I'll share when it's done.

2 pints milk
1/2 cup Indian meal
1/2 cup molasses
pinch of salt


Scald one pint of milk; stir into it one-half cup of Indian meal, one-half cup molasses, and a pinch of salt. When this is cold, pour over it, without stirring, one pint of cold milk. Bake in a slow oven about four hours to obtain the color and flavor of the old-fashioned pudding.


Happy Autum~

Bea Kunz

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