Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Twelfth Night and All is Well~

Twelfth Night, the traditional end of the twelve days of Christmas festivities. In the church calendar, January 6 is Epiphany, the day the three Kings arrive to honor the miraculous baby, who is the symbol of our new hopes.

I've had a very relaxing past week, reading and researching some church and faith history.

One of the foods connected to this symbolic time is the Twelfth Night Cake or better know to many as the "King Cake"...the one and only connected to the ancient revelry of Mardi Gras celebration.

The cake is somewhat akin to a fruit cake or the Italian Panatone in some places, with lots of white or colored icing.
Inside the cake a small china doll is placed before baking...whomever gets the baby must host the next party.

I've been part of many Mardi Gras celebrations in New Orleans and had some of the finest King Cake ever baked.

It's a celebration that I have missed over the last 15 years...this has been part of this years reflect on things I no longer am involved in.

The memories are beautiful, but I have no desire to retrace my I will go forward and be content to visit the memory now and then.

The season is over now and it was good~

Bea Kunz~

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